End of Freshman Year

Wildwood Beach, 6/15/2023

The freshman year ended on Wednesday, and to celebrate, me and my friends rented a GMC car and headed to Wildwood Beach in NJ. It was an exhilarating adventure, filled with laughter and joy. The warm sand beneath our feet and the refreshing ocean breeze brought a sense of freedom and relaxation.

As the day unfolded, we splashed in the waves, played beach volleyball, and built sandcastles like we were kids again. We soaked up the sun, basking in the golden glow of summer, cherishing each moment as it passed.

However, the end of the trip also meant bidding farewell to two dear friends, Ujjawal and Kush, who had to return to their home in India. The goodbyes were bittersweet, as we knew it would be a while before we would see each other again. We shared heartfelt hugs and promises to stay in touch, hoping that distance would not weaken the bond we had formed during our freshman year.

Soon, the time came for the rest of my friends to depart as well. With heavy hearts, we embraced, knowing that the summer term and upcoming vacation would keep us apart. The prospect of not being able to see them throughout the entire summer weighed on me, but I held onto the memories we had created together.

As the GMC car drove away, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions – excitement for the adventures that awaited me during the break, yet a sense of longing for the familiar company of my friends. I knew that despite the physical distance, our friendships would endure, strengthened by the shared experiences we had treasured during our freshman year.

With a final glance back at the Wildwood Beach, I stepped into the next chapter of my journey, eager to explore new horizons while carrying the memories of freshman year within my heart. The summer stretched out before me, promising new discoveries, personal growth, and the anticipation of reuniting with my friends in the coming semester.